Financial Support

Find out more about financial support available for full-time and part-time Further Education courses.

Welcome to the Financial Support information page for learners on Further Education courses. This page contains all the information you will need to determine if you are eligible for any funding from the college and other organisations. The Student Finance team can also advise you of any type of funding that you may be eligible for, to support you financially through your studies. We can be found in reception at our Colcot Road campus and in the Student Services office at our Dumballs Road campus. We can also be reached by emailing us on:

Financial Contingency Fund (FCF)

The FCF is money given to the college by Welsh Government that we can use to support learners in a number of ways. To be eligible for assistance, you must be a full-time learner studying at least 12 hours per week; you must be on a further education course - we are unable to support learners on a higher education course; you must have no restrictions on your stay in the UK, and you must have been in the country for three years prior to the course start date. FCF awards are discretionary and not an entitlement. Funds are limited and no awards are guaranteed. 

The guidelines provided may be subject to change upon publication of Welsh Government guidance for Financial Contingency Fund allocations. Allocations are also subject to any budgetary changes that the Welsh Government may enforce.

The college is registered under the Data Protection Act. Personal data will only be gathered and used for the purposes stated in the College's registration under the Act. Due to the College's Data Protection Policy, the College will not discuss this application with any person other than you (the applicant) without your permission.

The College may send text messages or email to you with regards to the status of your application - please ensure that the contact details we hold for you are correct and up-to-date.

Applications may be submitted in English or Welsh and all applications are treated equally.

If an interview is required and you wish to use Welsh during the interview please let us know. We will facilitate this through inviting a Welsh speaking colleague or by arranging simultaneous translation where appropriate.

There are different eligibility criteria depending on your age, course and household income, please see a breakdown below:

Age  Under 19 Over 19 
Meals Yes - in line with Welsh Government eligibility criteria
Exceptional circumstances only
Travel Yes - Full Time learners living 3+ miles away  Yes - Full Time learners living 3+ miles away in receipt of WGLG
Petrol We do not provide petrol allowance to under 19 learners Yes - Full Time learners living 3+ miles away in receipt of WGLG
Kit  Yes - Full Time learners in receipt of EMA Yes - Full Time learners in receipt of WGLG
Childcare Yes - Full Time learners with household income below 25k, funding provided for one child only
Living Yes - with evidence of being under care of Local Authority, a care-leaver or Young Carer
Yes - with evidence of being a Young Carer or care-leaver
Registration fees Yes - Full Time learners in receipt of EMA
Yes - Full Time learners in receipt of WGLG

To apply for one or more of the above types of support, please click HERE and follow the instructions on the page – you only need to do this once, even if you would like to be considered for more than one type of financial support from the table above. More information on the different types of support can be found by clicking on the links below. 

EMA – funding for 16-18 years olds

What is EMA?
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is a weekly payment of £40 to help students aged 16-18 with the costs of further education. Payments are made every 2 weeks if you meet the college’s attendance, performance and behavior requirements.

Check Eligibility
You could be eligible for EMA if you can answer yes to all the following questions: 

  • Will you be 16, 17 or 18 years old on 31 August 2024? 
  • Do you live in Wales? 
  • Will you be continuing to study full time at school or college for at least 12 hours per week? 
  • Does your course last at least 10 weeks? 
  • Are you the only young person in full-time further education in your household and your household income is £20,817 or less? 


  • Are there other young people in your household in full-time further education who are eligible for Child Benefit and your household income is £23,077 or less? 


  • Are you a care leaver?

How to apply?
You will need to complete the application form and post it to Student Finance Wales. There are guidance notes to help you fill in the form.

You can download and print these following the links below:

EMA Application form 2024 to 2025

EMA Application notes 2024 to 2025

To be eligible for backdated payments, you must apply within 13 weeks of the start of your course. You must also sign your EMA Agreement within the same 13 week period. If you do not have access to a printer, you can pick up an application pack from any one of our campuses. You can apply before you are enrolled, and are encouraged to send off your EMA application form as soon as possible.

If You Were Awarded EMA With Your Previous Institution, or you had it at CAVC in 2022-2023

As a returning student you are not required to fill in a new application form as you will automatically be rolled over to the next academic year. Signing your EMA Learning Agreement would act as a formal application. 

Click here to sign your EMA Learning Agreement for 2024-2025

Click here to sign your EMA Learning Agreement for 2023-2024

WGLG – funding for learners aged 19 and above

What is WGLG?
It provides funding to help with the costs of your education if you’re aged 19 or over. If you’re studying full-time you could get payments of up to £1,500 a year or, if studying part-time, you could get up to £750 a year. This funding does not affect any benefits you may already be receiving.

Check eligibility
You need to meet the following requirements to get the grant: 

To get this grant you must be aged 19 or over, so for academic year 2024/25 you must be 19 or older on 1st September 2024.
You must be studying an eligible course. Eligible courses include: • GCSE • ‘A’ or ‘AS’ levels • BTEC, GNVQ, NVQ • Basic Skills courses • Independent Living Skills - Courses at level 4 and above are not eligible. Your school or college can tell you if your course is eligible.
Nationality and Residency
If you’re a UK citizen living in Wales, you could be eligible for WGLG FE. If you’re not a UK citizen you may still be eligible. Click here for more information.

How to apply?
You will need to complete the application form and post it to Student Finance Wales. There are guidance notes to help you fill in the form.
You can download and print these following the links below:

WGLG Application form 2024 to 2025
WGLG Application notes 2024 to 2025

If you do not have access to a printer, you can pick up an application pack from any one of our campuses. You can apply before you are enrolled, and are encouraged to send off your WGLG application form as soon as possible.

If you were awarded WGLG with your previous institution, or you had it at CAVC in 2022-2023.
As a returning student you are not required to fill in a new application form as you will automatically be rolled over to the next academic year. Signing your WGLG Learning Agreement would act as a formal application. 

Click here to sign your WGLG Learning Agreement for 23/24

Click here to sign your WGLG Learning Agreement for 24/25

Laptop Loan Scheme

All learners who are still in possession of a laptop must return it to one of the Success Centres immediately.

Learners will now have increased access to laptops within Success Centres across all sites. To loan a laptop, learners will need to visit a desk in one of our Success Centres and check one out. This is to be used within the Success Centre and must be checked back in before leaving.

Other support

Learners who find themselves to be in financial hardship may be able to get support form other external agencies or organisations. Please click on the links below for more information:

The Prince’s Trust - The Prince’s Trust Development Awards can provide support with course fees, as well as help to purchase any essential kit or uniform you may need for your course. Please CLICK HERE to go to their contact page and make an enquiry today.

Turn2us - - a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially

Government website - - The Discretionary Assistance Fund provides two types of grant that you do not need to pay back.

Child Benefit – - full time learners aged up to 20 are still eligible for Child Benefit, proof of student status will be required and can be requested by completing this form.

CAVC Wellbeing Team – if you need any support outside of what is outlined above, you can contact the college Wellbeing Team; they can advise of any external agencies who may be able to help you, as well as providing short-term emotional support and practical support such as foodbank vouchers or travel scratch cards – you can reach them by emailing