Student exemptions/reductions

Council Tax, Universal Credit, Gym Membership, Housing Benefit, etc.

If you are applying for a Student Exemption Certificate at the start of the academic year, please note that these certificates cannot be supplied until October half term.   This is in line with the student probationary periods.   

If you require evidence of being a full-time/part-time student, we can provide you with this upon request.
To count as a full-time student, your course must:

  • last at least 1 calendar or academic year.
  • have a requirement to undertake it for at least 24 weeks a year.
  • involve at least 21 hours' study, tuition or work experience per week.


If you are studying for a qualification up to A level (Level 3) and you are under 20, your course must:

  • last at least 3 months
  • involve at least 12 hours' study per week

To apply for a Student Exemption Certificate please click on the link below and complete the form.    
Click here to request a certificate.
Your Student Exemption Certificate will be emailed to you within two weeks of your application. If you are in doubt about your eligibility, please contact your local council office here.