
Cardiff and Vale College is proud to be Welsh.

Cardiff and Vale College is proud to be Welsh. Everyone has the right to communicate and receive services from us in Welsh and we are committed to providing that opportunity for our learners, employees and visitors.

As part of the new legislation, in Wales the Welsh language has equal legal status with English and must not be treated any less favorably. As a public body we comply with this legislation via a set of Welsh Language Standards we must comply with.

Below is a link to the Welsh Language Standards that Cardiff and Vale College must comply with:

CAVC Welsh Language Standards (Final Compliance Notice)

Below is a link to a summary document to help explain how CAVC will comply with the Welsh Language Standards and what this means to the service we provide to you:

CAVC Welsh Language Standards Compliance

CAVC's Welsh Language Policy

What if you think we are not fulfilling our duty?

We endeavor to comply with our standards entirely and to provide a comprehensive service to anyone choosing to communicate with us or access our services through the medium of Welsh. We are sorry if we do slip up though and would like you to tell us if you feel we have not fulfilled our duty as set out in the standards so that we can take steps to put it right.

CAVC is committed to dealing effectively with any concerns, comments or complaints about our compliance with our service delivery, policy making and operational standards.

You can find out more about the process we have in place to deal specifically with any complaint by clicking here.

Contact Us

For any further queries, please email: cymraeg@cavc.ac.uk 


All things Welsh

Cardiff and Vale College Annual Report on Welsh Language Compliance, Provision and Promotion 2023-2024

This report provides an overview of our work during the academic year 2023-24 on ‘All things Welsh’ – including our provision and support for learners and our promotion of the Welsh language. It also provides the required information to demonstrate how we have complied with our Welsh Language Standards during the year – a statutory duty for the College.

This report reflects on activity during the 2023-24 academic year, with data taken from August 1st 2023 and July 31st 2024.

CAVC’s Annual Report for the Welsh Language Standards 2023-2024

Siarad Dysgu Byw

Each year we are increasing the opportunities and support for students coming from Welsh-medium schools across the region, to continue learning bilingually and through the medium of Welsh.

Proud to be Welsh

We are CAVC
Local Employers
Work Welsh Program