If you wish to apply for childcare funding from the college, it is important that you read these notes carefully. If you do not understand any of the information, please email fcfqueries@cavc.ac.uk before proceeding.
- There are only limited funds available; all students are advised to apply early, no funding is guaranteed and is capped at £42 per day for a maximum for 3 days per week. Any additional costs will need to be paid directly to the childcare provider by the learner.
- All applications will be processed in order of the date the application was received. If the application is not complete it will not be considered.
- Priority will be given to students who were in receipt of childcare funding in the academic year 2023-2024 and are progressing in 2024-2025.
- All learners enrolled on full time courses are eligible to apply for funding, however there may be some courses which take priority. This is in line with the Welsh Governments funding priorities.
- You must be studying a single Further Education course (not HE) for at least 12 hours a week.
- You must have no restriction on your stay in the UK and you must have been in the country for 3 years prior to your course start date.
- The college can only support one child per student per household (please contact us prior to applying if you require funding for twins or other multiples).
- Funding offers are only made to those students with conditional or unconditional course offers. Leaners with reserve offers will not be offered funding.
- Applications made are confidential. You are requested not to discuss your application and its outcome with other students. The College will not reconsider any of its decisions on the basis of verbal comparisons between students.
- If you are awarded assistance with your childcare, you are able to choose a childcare provider of your choice as long as the childcare provider is registered with the Local Authority. If you are based in Colcot Road Campus you will be encouraged to use the on-site creche.
- All childcare providers are paid by BACS, one month in arrears.
- Payment for childcare is conditional on students achieving a minimum attendance requirement of 90% at College and this will be regularly monitored. If students fall below this requirement, their childcare funding will be at risk of being withdrawn.
- All students, including those using the College Nursery in Barry, will be required to pay a contribution towards the cost of their childcare each week. If students fail to keep up to date with their payments, their childcare funding will be at risk of being withdrawn.
- The amount of funding awarded to each student is at the discretion of the college. students are only entitled to one assessment per academic year.
- If you are given assistance with your childcare and you do not adhere to the conditions set out in the contract, you may be required to repay all or part of the funds paid.