The Students' Union is run by students for students, to represent the voice of all learners at the college. It is here to ensure that learners have the best experience that they can whilst at college. It can also represent students independently of the college systems so students can always a have voice.
All learners who are enrolled at the college are automatically a member of the Students’ Union. If you do not wish to be a member you need to let us know so you can opt out.
There are two course representatives in each course group, full time and part time, and their role is to represent the voice of that group by gathering learner opinions, what's good at CAVC, and what needs improving, and attending course meetings with staff. A very important part of their role is to also feedback any information to their course group, and let them know what has been done about any issues they may have raised. Course reps will also meet with the other reps in their Faculty once a term along with the Head of Faculty.
Get your voice heard!
You will also have specific training to help you with your role.
Become a Course Rep and feed back the views of your class to your course tutors and through focus groups and activities. Or be part of our Student Union – part of the National Union of Students – representing views in college and nationally (and providing students with a great range of discounts and opportunities too!)
FE and WBL Sabbatical Development Officer / Student Governor
My responsibilities:
I am in my second year of BTEC level 3 in computing and cyber security at the college.
FE and LGBT Sabbatical Officer
My responsibilities:
I am currently studying Health and Social care level three – I am in my second and final year.
BAME Officer
My responsibilities:
I am studying Access to Social Care.
HE Sabbatical / Student Governor
My responsibilities:
I am studying Foundation Degree Youth and Social Care and Maths GCSE.
Environmental Sabbatical Officer
My responsibilities:
I study 3 A-levels, including welsh baccalaureate, I’m also studying Maths GCSE. My other two A Levels are History and drama.