Cardiff and Vale College learners spend the summer getting Creative

7 Aug 2024

Learners on Creative courses at Cardiff and Vale College have spent a packed summer, taking part in live performances, shows and exhibitions across the Capital Region.

To mark the end of term, learners from across the full range of the College’s extensive Creative curriculum held a spectacular End of Year Showcase. Featuring exhibitions, live music, dance, performance and fashion show, it’s always one of the highlights of CAVC’s academic year.

The Barry Creative cohort held their own exhibition in Art Central, while Art learners also held a pop-up exhibition at St Fagans Museum and Fashion students held a fashion show at the Millennium Centre. Creative students also produced this year’s Tafwyl Arts Trail in Bute Park, and performed in Guys and Dolls and other productions at the 2024 Cardiff Open Theatre Festival.

One learner even had her work chosen for an exhibition in the prestigious Mall Galleries in London. Naomi Provence’s work, ‘Collections’ was selected by awarding body UAL from among more than 500 submissions from across the UK for its exhibition Origins Creatives, a showcase of young artistic talent.

"I'm currently studying Level 3 Art and Design at Barry Campus here at CAVC,” Naomi said. “A few weeks ago, the awarding body for my course selected a sculpture piece I've been working on throughout the year to be featured at the exhibition. I'm really happy and proud to be selected and I'm looking forward to heading down to London to see the exhibition myself."

Each year, CAVC caters to more than 500 learners on a raft of Creative courses ranging from Art & Design through to Fashion Design, Multimedia Design, 3D Product Design, Film & TV Production, Graphic Design, Photography, Music – Production or Performance – and Performing Arts, either Musical Theatre or Acting. Around 50% of learners of progress on to universities such as the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Goldsmiths, Central St Martins, Royal College of Art, London Film School, Film Academy Ravensbourne, University of West London or Bath and Bristol universities.

Cardiff and Vale College Principal Sharon James-Evans said: “At CAVC we pride ourselves on offering experiences and opportunities that are more than just a classroom and the sheer range of activities and performances our Creative learners have taken part in this summer is proof of that.

“The array of talent on display, either in art and design work, fashion, music or performance, has been phenomenal. The very best of luck to all of our Creative learners – judging by the work you are already producing you are going to go far.”