Ministry of Life - Music Industry Skills

L2 Level 2
Full Time
4 September 2024 — 24 May 2025
Community Location
This course is available at other locations or at different start dates/levels.

About this course

Our BTEC 90-Credit Diploma in Music Technology is delivered at East Moors Community Centre in Splott, and includes three major elements:

  • Music Production
  • Music in the Community
  • Event Management

Based at our Outreach campus in Cardiff, students will learn about the music industry, how to produce a track, and how to run musical workshops in the community, whilst being given a budget to create their own music event.

What you will study

Students will cover a number of modules including:

  • Music production techniques
  • The sound and music industry
  • Audio engineering principles
  • Concert production and staging
  • Music events management
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Music in the community
  • Music project
  • Sound creation and manipulation

Entry requirements

No formal entry requirements. Candidates will be assessed on interview

Important points

  • The College welcomes contact with parents/guardians of students who are under 18.
  • Additional support is available for students with learning difficulties and disabilities.
  • Cardiff and Vale College is committed to inclusion and values diversity. We are determined to promote equality of opportunity and to treat everyone fairly and with respect.
  • Cardiff and Vale College reserves the right to make changes to this course without prior notice.
  • Course fees are subject to change. Your fee will be confirmed prior to enrolment.
  • All courses are accurate at the time of upload or print.
  • Courses can only run if there are sufficient numbers.
  • Please note, if you choose three or more course choices, then you may be referred for a careers appointment first. This does not apply to A Level or GCSE choices.
Key information

Start date

4 September 2024

End date

24 May 2025

Time of day

Day Time

Full Time

21 hours per week


Community Location
Maps & directions

Course code



Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Music Industry Skills

Career prospects & further study

After completing this course, successful candidates may progress onto Further Education or University. Many students will also pursue various employment opportunities within the industry.


Community Location
Community Location

We offer a variety of courses at Community Locations in Cardiff and the Vale. When you apply for the course you will be given more information about the location of the course.