Python Programming

L2 Level 2
Part Time
3 November 2025 — 16 February 2026
£: This course is free for unemployed adults in receipt of specific benefits. If eligible, you do not pay the 'Course fee' listed under 'Course fee per year'. A registration fee of £10-40 may be charged. Any professional registration fee / exam fee / other fee listed will need to be paid for. Financial support for these costs may be available. To find our more go to

About this course

Our level 2 Python Programming course is ideal for anyone wishing to develop their programming skills to industry standards. You will learn one of the dominant programming languages that is highly desirable within the workplace.This is a very practical course with plenty of coding challenges to test your skills as you go along. We will be focusing on procedural coding for this course.

What you will study

This course will develop knowledge or performance skills in:

  1. Variables and data structures
  2. Control structures (i.e. if statements, loops)
  3. File handling
  4. Boolean and logical operators
  5. Functions
  6. Robust coding techniques
  7. Debugging tools
  8. Testing methods

On successful completion, you will receive a certificate from Agored Cymru.
This course can be taught with a tutor remotely or within the classroom.  If you opt for remote teaching you will not need to purchase any software for this course.  However, you will need a working computer with working speakers and Internet access.  A microphone would be useful but not essential.
An alternative course we offer at the same level is C++ Programming.  We also offer an introductory version of this course titled “Introduction to Python Coding”.

Course fees

Awarding Organisation Fee: £25.00

Course Fee: £100.00

Part Time Administration Fee: £45.00

Entry requirements

Applicants should have a keen interest in the topic and be prepared to do some self studying.

Important points

  • The College welcomes contact with parents/guardians of students who are under 18.
  • Additional support is available for students with learning difficulties and disabilities.
  • Cardiff and Vale College is committed to inclusion and values diversity. We are determined to promote equality of opportunity and to treat everyone fairly and with respect.
  • Cardiff and Vale College reserves the right to make changes to this course without prior notice.
  • Course fees are subject to change. Your fee will be confirmed prior to enrolment.
  • All courses are accurate at the time of upload or print.
  • Courses can only run if there are sufficient numbers.
  • Please note, if you choose three or more course choices, then you may be referred for a careers appointment first. This does not apply to A Level or GCSE choices.
Key information

Start date

3 November 2025

End date

16 February 2026

Time of day

Night Time

Part Time

3 hours per week


Maps & directions
£: This course is free for unemployed adults in receipt of specific benefits. If eligible, you do not pay the 'Course fee' listed under 'Course fee per year'. A registration fee of £10-40 may be charged. Any professional registration fee / exam fee / other fee listed will need to be paid for. Financial support for these costs may be available. To find our more go to

Course code



Python Programming

Career prospects & further study


The Cardiff Capital Region has a thriving digital cluster with projections of 6,000 additional jobs by 2025, amounting to 28% growth (EMSI 2019).