Re-sit opportunity for learners from Welsh-medium schools having already sat the GCSE in Welsh Language.
Unit 1 – NEA Oracy 30%
Task 1 – Individual Researched Presentation
One individual, researched presentation, which may include responses to questions and feedback, based on WJEC set themes. Candidates are expected to participate in an individual oral activity by presenting information on any aspect or aspects relating to one of the following themes: 1. Wales 2. Leisure 3. The World of Work 4. The World of Science/Technology 5. Citizenship
Task 2 – Responding and Interacting
One group discussion to written and/or visual stimuli provided by WJEC to initiate the discussion. Candidates are expected to show that they can participate in oral activities with others in order to express and corroborate an opinion. This activity gives candidates an opportunity to convey personal experiences and/or persuade others.
Unit 2 – External Assessment – Description, Narration and Exposition 35%
Section A Reading
In this section, candidates will be tested on their understanding of at least one description, one narration and one exposition text with a thematic link, assessed through a range of structured questions. There will be a variety of continuous and non-continuous texts, requiring different reading approaches and responses. Continuous texts used for assessment in this section could include, but not be limited to, autobiography, biography, diaries, speeches, reportage, travel writing, literary journalism, reviews, and extracts from novels and short stories, along with thematically linked non-continuous texts such as advertisements, diagrams, lists, graphs, schedules and tables, which include written language. Some texts will require very little reading but others will require more in-depth reading and will be more challenging. There will be a variety of short response and extended response questions. Some questions will be short (e.g. multiple choice questions, short constructed responses, cloze, sequencing). Others will require longer answers (e.g. paraphrasing, context comprehension, analysis/deduction/ inference). This section will also include an editing task focusing on understanding short passages at word, sentence and text level. (2.5% of qualification total).
Section B Writing
In this section, candidates will complete one writing task from a choice of two that could be either description, narration or exposition. Candidates will be required to write one piece of extended writing, drawing upon reading materials in section A where appropriate. This could include, but not be limited to, biography, memoir, travel/food writing, diary, story and personal essays. This section will also include one proofreading task focusing on writing accurately. In this short task, candidates will need to proofread and correct a brief text (2.5% of qualification total).
Unit 3 External Assessment – Argumentation, Persuasion and Instructional
Section A Reading
In this section, candidates will be tested on their understanding of at least one argumentation, one persuasion and one instructional text with a thematic link, including continuous and non-continuous texts, assessed through a range of structured questions. There will be a variety of continuous and non-continuous texts, requiring different reading approaches and responses. Texts used for assessment in this section could include, but not be limited to, letters, emails, factsheets, leaflets, articles, reports, blogs, notices, guides, digital and multi-modal texts, along with thematically linked non-continuous texts such as advertisements, diagrams, lists, graphs, schedules and tables, which include written language. Some texts will require very little reading but others will require more in-depth reading and will be more challenging. There will be a variety of short response and extended response questions. Some questions will be short (e.g. multiple choice questions, short constructed responses, cloze, sequencing). Others will require longer answers (e.g. paraphrasing, context comprehension, analysis/deduction/inference)
Section B Writing
This section will test candidates’ writing through one compulsory argumentation writing task and one compulsory persuasion writing task. Candidates will need to write demonstrating an awareness of audience and purpose, drawing upon reading materials in section A where appropriate and adapting style to form and to real-life contexts in, for example, letters, articles, reviews, speeches, and so on. Half of the marks for this section will be awarded for communication and organisation (meaning, purpose, readers and structure) and the other half for writing accurately (language, grammar, punctuation and spelling).
Facilitates progression onto Level 3 course where a minimum C is required in either Welsh or English Language.