*This course is subject to validation
The ESOL+ course for employability is targeted at students of any age, aiming to improve and develop their English skills but also skills that will make them more employable. We will look at all the stages of getting that perfect job or the job you just need as a steppingstone to your dream job.
This course is suitable for students who may not have any work experience or for those with some work experience in the UK or in other countries. Students will aim to gain qualifications in the main English language skills as well as a BTEC qualification in Work Skills.
Students will study the main language skills of:
For general purposes and will cover a wide variety of topics.
The employability session will focus on building up an attractive CV and writing distinctive job application letters, developing skills required by employers, focusing on formal language and confident presentations. Finally, you will take part in mock job interviews that will get you ready for employment.
Teaching assessments will be through regular assignment and assessments.
Students may continue their ESOL education at a higher level or go into employment.
Assessment at Level 1. Alternatively, successful achievement of Entry Level 3 and satisfactory reference from tutor to indicate good behaviour, attendance and progress.
I came from Eritrea a couple of years ago with a goal of improving my English, both speaking and written, and gaining new skills I can use for work. I am in my second year at the College and I’m currently on the ESOL+ programme, which allows me to spend time studying Accounting too.
I have really enjoyed my time here at Cardiff and Vale College, I have made a lot of friends from lots of different backgrounds. The teachers have really been helpful throughout my time here, and the Skills Centre in particular, has been very beneficial to me. My English has improved so much, I’m very pleased with the progress I have made. In the future I’m looking forward to finishing my course then finding employment here in the UK.