This is an introductory course designed for school leavers who wish to progress to further study in courses related to the Creative Industry. This course is designed so that learners develop their confidence, resilience, and an understanding of self-regulation as they gain skills and knowledge relevant to the working in the Creative Industry.
Learners successfully completing this course with merit grades will be able to progress on to further Creative courses within CAVC.
Students will be introduced to a range of theoretical and practical modules that will offer an insight to what it is like to study and work in the creative industry. The curriculum recognises that learners on this course are starting their college education with different experiences of education, and the course is designed to develop the ability to work collaboratively and independently.
Applicants would benefit from achieving 3 GCSEs Grades D-F. Alternatively, applicants will be considered based on interview and a satisfactory skills scan, with a desire and commitment to complete the course they would wish to study.