Sociology is the study of society and how it influences us to become the people we are. For sociologists, human behaviour is too complex and diverse to be explained in simple biological or genetic terms, and sociology as a subject sees our actions as the result of our social and cultural environment. We learn to think and act in certain ways and it is our culture which teaches us how we should think and act. It is this understanding of the connection between culture and human behaviour that lays at the heart of sociology.
The Fast Track A Level Sociology course combines both the AS and A2 Programme into a one-year course of study and should be taken in conjunction with two or three other subjects and the Welsh Baccalaureate.
During the course the following four areas will be covered:
AS Unit 1: Acquiring Culture
AS Unit 2: Understanding Society and Methods of Sociological Enquiry
A2 Unit 3: Power and Control
A2 Unit 4: Social Inequality and Applied Methods of Sociological Enquiry
You will undertake a written examination for each module.
Individual Subject Entry Requirement
English Language minimum: A
Sociology/History/Psychology/Geography minimum: B
CAVC is a great place to study A Levels – the teachers, the support, the facilities and social experience has been so good – I’m delighted to have gained all A’s in my AS exams. The support to apply and prepare for university is brilliant and I’m looking forward to progressing after college.