‘Grief Preacher’ Jamie Denyer delivers powerful and inspirational talks to CAVC Sport, Tourism and Public Services learners

8 Sep 2024

Jamie Denyer, also known as the ‘Grief Preacher’, has delivered a series of powerful and inspirational talks to learners and staff in Cardiff and Vale College’s Sport, Tourism and Public Services Department.

Following the murder of his 19-year-old nephew by a 14-year-old boy, Jamie saw how much destruction it caused his family. He decided to make a positive difference, telling young people how their actions can have serious consequences.

Jamie delivered five consecutive talks across two campuses, engaging with more than 300 learners and 25 staff. Many have since said that the experience was transformational.

Level 3 Sport Learner Lois Hughes said: “The talk was very interesting and empowering. It showed me a lot regarding pulling through tough situations in life. It was brilliant to see someone who has experienced a lot of loss use it for the good to help others.”

Public Services Lecturer Steve Tallis said: “I was blown away. Jamie’s speech was truly inspiring - his compassion and his ability to turn pain into purpose are a testament to his strength.

“He got everyone to tap in to so many different emotions. The best speaker I have ever heard - I have no doubt that everyone who was lucky to be there is a better person for it.”

Level 3 Travel and Tourism learner Massie Caulkett said: “The talk was very inspirational and left me feeling positive for my future. It was heartwarming and his story was extraordinary.”

Level 3 Public Services learner Deandre Jones said: “The talk was so empowering. One of the best talks I’ve ever sat though. It really had me believing in my own self-worth. It was life changing.”

Skills Tutor Rachael Brown said: “I have heard many motivational speeches, but this really was absolutely the most powerful on so many levels. Jamie's experiences and messages will stay with his audience for a long time, I am sure."

Cardiff and Vale College Head of Sport, Tourism and Public Services James Young said: “I have never observed five one-hour sessions where every learner was transfixed. Jamie is the most impactful and emotional speaker I have ever had the privilege of listening to.

“You feel his pain and agony through his engaging and motivational voice, using this anguish for powerful, influential change cannot be understated. Every student and staff member were able to take a piece of inspiration from his speech and are still talking about the invaluable individual impact he has had on them.

“I cannot thank Jamie highly enough and am looking forward to inviting Jamie back to college to inspire more of our CAVC learners. Jamie is an inspiration, using his pain for the unselfish positive transformation of others. Connor Charles Edwards Saunders’ legacy lives on!”