Information for Parents, Carers or Guardians

Advice and guidance for parents and carers on how learners are supported in college.

At Cardiff and Vale College we understand that moving from school to college is a big step in a young person’s life. We aim to open up communication to ensure that your son/daughter receives the support they require. The college aims to build on what has been learned in school and progress learners into employment, further study, apprenticeships or further support from our partner organisations.

How does the college know if students need extra help and what should I do if I think my son/daughter may have additional learning needs?

  • Learner needs are usually highlighted by feeder schools or a member of Careers Wales
  • A member of the transition team will attend school reviews for ALN learners
  • On the college application form learners are encouraged to disclose any disabilities or barriers to learning
  • The ALN support team will be on hand during open evenings and admissions events to discuss any support requirements.
  • Tutors and lecturers can refer learners, with their permission, to the ALN team if they feel additional support may be required for a learner to reach their full potential.
  • Parents and/or learners may self-refer at any time to the ALN team.

How will my son/daughter be supported and prepared before/after attending/leaving college?

The transition into college for your son/daughter can start in their last academic year at school. This could be either year 11 or year 13.

Once an application has been made, your son/daughter will be invited into college to attend an admissions event to discuss their chosen course of study, view the college and meet the support team.

For those learners who require a more focused transition (e.g. learners with Statements of Educational Needs) our Transition team can attend any Annual Reviews, help you make an application to the college and link with their current school to gather additional supporting information on both academic and support needs of the learner.

There may be a number of agencies involved in this transition, including Careers Wales, Health teams, or Social Care organisations. There may therefore be the need for multi-organisation meetings to enable all individuals who will be supporting the learner to work together and prepare for the learner's future at the college. 

How will I know my son/daughter is making progress?

Teaching and support staff will review the progress that learners make on a regular basis. This information will be communicated to you through a variety of means. Teaching and support staff will set targets for learners which are incorporated into lessons, identifying any barriers to learning and putting appropriate strategies in place.

The ALN team in conjunction with teaching staff carry out reviews with learners who are supported. We always aim to put the learner at the centre of any reviews and recognise the contributions that parents, carers and guardians can make in the process.

Parents/Carers/Guardians are welcome to come into college to discuss their student's progress at any point in the college academic year.


Wellbeing Support

Supporting learners to have positive emotional wellbeing and resilience.

Information for Parents, Carers or Guardians

Advice and guidance for parents and carers on how learners are supported in college.

Information for Parents, Carers or Guardians

Advice and guidance for parents and carers on how learners are supported in college.